Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Location: Melbourne Convention Centre, CBD
Date: 16th - 18th July 2005

Our first test - selling it to the public.

:: DAY 1 :: Saturday

9 plus ~ setting up
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People pictures ~
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(l-r) Michael MunYee Di Julianne

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WeeKee Julianne MunYee Michael Di YuanMeng WaiKuin

Not forgetting our lovely MAIN SPONSOR - SIGMA PHARMACEUTICALS (btw they're also the main sponsors of the Convention & Exhibition)::
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:: DAY 2 :: Sunday

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(top-bottom, l-r) Shaz Steph Namita Julianne Di Michael John

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Desiyah members showing off their efforts ~ the T-Bag (towel in a bag)

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Our Managing Director's "attire of the day" =)

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Visitors' comments ~ so sunshiney!!

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John 'n Julianne.

The crowd for the weekend was rather.. sparse. Instead of waiting for people to come buy our products, we all took turns going around the expo introducing the T-Bags to visitors and exhibitors. Many exhibitors were actually very approachable and showed some interest. Some actually did buy the product.

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some minor adjustments to booth deco..

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towel display

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And lunch! (provided for 2 persons per booth by the expo organisers). oops forgot to take pics of the stash Steph provided (lollies chocolate cookies etcetcetc)

:: DAY 3 :: Monday

no expo pictures nor a formal meeting. Dinner @ La Porchetta Victoria Market (for those who could make it)
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The end of a loooong week.. more to come!

Product development

Location: Monash University Clayton campus
Time: our weekly meeting, end of June

A process of trial and error.. What works what does not? What looks nice what looks not-so-nice? Where to put the detachable storage compartment? Is there GOING TO BE a detachable one? Velcro? Buttons? Stick it? Stitch it? Flap? No flap? String? Backpack? Tote? Colours (again)? Towel's design? Size? Material? Waterproof? Yes? No? More questions...

:: First "proper" prototype ::
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Front view

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Back view

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Our marketing director (Julianne) trying it out

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Colour samples..

:: The Spotlight towels ::
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The "girly" one

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The "boy-ish" one

The first post

Location: Starbucks Swanston St
Time: Sometime in June..

A few of us met up on a sunny Saturday afternoon. Over liberal doses of coffeee and er..apple cider, we came up with this -

::The very first prototype::
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A piece of work held together by PINS (no it didn't collapse actually held together for hours)

People pictures:
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(bottom left to right) Julianne MunYee Shawn and Steph (me holding camera u see..)

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Shawn in deeeep concentration sketching out his ideas..

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